Casting On - The Knit Method - A Beginner's Guide

Casting on can be done in a number of ways. Each method has its pros and cons and finding the right cast on method is essential for making right start to your project.
Perhaps the simplest cast on method is the Knit Cast On which uses two knitting needles, starting with a slip knot each stitch is knitted to form a new loop, this loop is then returned to the left hand needle and the process repeated until you have the desired number of stitches. This method is easy to master as it repeats a semi-knit stitch which is very similar to the knit stitch you will use with garter or stocking stitches.
This method produces a neat row of flat stitches which has some stretch so this can be used for cuffs and flat edges alike.
Step 1: Form a slip knot approximately 4” (10cm) from the end of your yarn. Slip this onto your left hand needle (LHN), this is your first stitch.

Step 2: Insert your right hand needle (RHN) through the first stitch on your LHN from front to back.

Wrap your yarn around the tip of your RHN from back to front and between the RHN and LHN. Slip your RHN down and out from the first stitch taking a new loop of yarn with it. Do not slip the first stitch off of your LHN.

Now, slip the new loop on your RHN onto the LHN, this will now become the first stitch on your LHN, you will now have an extra stitch on your LHN and no stitches on your RHN.

Repeat step 2 until you have the desired number of stitches on your needle. You are now ready to begin the first row of your pattern.


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